Mon, Apr 05
Thank you for registering for Resurrection Sunday Service. Please register each person who will attend in person separately. Seating is limited and if you are attending as a family please indicate each person by name in your registration.

Time & Location
Apr 05, 2021, 10:00 AM PDT
Victorville, 14849 Seventh St, Victorville, CA 92395, USA
About the event
The true meaning of Easter is about so much more than decorating eggs and devouring chocolate bunnies.
Whether it is called Easter or Resurrection Sunday is not as important as the event and purpose of the resurrection. However, the timing of the crucifixion and resurrection is significantly meaningful. The resurrection of Jesus is the culmination of all things meaningful, faith and fact, in establishing a relationship with God. God used the timing, which occurred just after "Passover" and during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, to illustrate the ultimate sacrifice He made for sinners. Without this sacrifice, Christianity would be an empty religion. Every purpose of Jesus Christ, His atonement for sin, would be unfulfilled and the foundation of Christianity would fall apart. The Passover commemorates God's "passing over" the Hebrew's homes by the angel of death (Exodus 12:29). By accepting Jesus, we are promised eternal life and we are saved from spiritual death. The Feast of Unleavened Bread (verse 15) begins with unleavened bread (made without yeast) and sacrificing an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. Leavening represents the escape from bondage and sin. Jesus is called the Lamb of God through whom the only escape is possible. Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection are God's provision for the perfect and final sacrifice for man's sins. God requires no other payment for sins! With this provision, mankind is granted opportunity for new life by the forgiveness of sin and escape from its bondage. It is ours for the mere acceptance of this gift.